Harness the power of
digital communications

What if I told you a simple 5-step framework could transform your communications?

“Engage with Impact” will help you navigate the hyper-competitive, fragmented digital landscape that is making it increasingly difficult to break through the noise.

Aimed at social impact communications professionals, this cutting-edge book shares actionable tips and tactics from the world’s leading communications directors, uncovering proven strategies that have helped global organizations succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Get cutting-edge insights with
actionable tips and tactics

Real Case Studies

Uncover proven strategies that have helped intergovernmental organizations, associations and nonprofits succeed in the digital landscape.

Exclusive Insights

Get new insights from Communications Directors as well as tips and testimonials from over 200 marketing and communications managers.

Useful Checklists

"Engage with Impact" includes checklists, templates and an accompanying workbook that will help you shape a new digital strategy.

Discover the transformative
AGILE Framework

With interviews, templates, and case studies, ”Engage With Impact” outlines a revolutionary AGILE Framework to help you create impactful digital advocacy campaigns. 

Boost your digital communications today!

Looking to take your social impact communications to the next level? Discover the revolutionary AGILE Framework and transform your online presence thanks to Engage With Impact. In this book, you’ll learn how to revolutionize your digital advocacy campaigns and empower your community to make a real difference in the world.

Available in e-book, paperback and hardcover versions.
